Spreading The World of Contracting

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Light Weight, Easy Sand 20,45,90 Minute Joint Compound

 Easy Sand Joint Compound is a substance that is used in joining together drywall (sheet rock) panels in the remodeling industry. This joint compound comes in a powdered form (non pre-mixed) that has to be mixed (with water) to the manufactures recommendations to make a paste. The 20,40 and 90 minutes set, is the amount of time is takes for the compound to dry (set). Only a true professional should use 20 minute set. This compound drys fast and gives minimum time for error. 40 minute set is good for an experienced drywall finisher or someone that as some experience. The 90 set is recommended for the inexperience do it yourself er. When using Joint Compound make sure all furniture and floor are covered, especially when doing a ceiling!

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